About deceased donors

  • How the donor organs are harvested?

    Organs are taken from the living and the deceased donor.

    From a living donor:

    • a kidney, segment of liver, portion pancreas or intestine.

    From a deceased donor:

    • after the brain death is declared (all the organs that can be transplanted);
    • a stable cardiac death has to be declared ( kidneys, other organs very rare).
  • Donor organs from a deceased human

    Donor organs from a deceased human may be harvested only in medical facility – hospital, where in spite of good, proper and qualified medical assistance and care is impossible to save the patient’s life. The medical institution shall be equipped with all the necessary facilities and equipment to establish brain death. In accordance with law identification of the brain death may last for 24 hours. Using of additional methods of investigation and proving that there is no blood flow in the brain help to identify the brain death in shorter time.

    The donor organs are never harvested on the site of the emergency event or before the death declaration.