
  • What happens if there is a matching kidney available?

    • If the Transplant Center has a compatible kidney, the transplant coordinator will inform you immediately and you will agree on time you can manage to arrive, P. Stradins Latvian University Hospital Transplant Center.
    • This is a call that may ring at any time of a day or night!
    • Before you go to the hospital, do not forget to inform the transplant coordinator on:
    • are you healthy currently (if you have fever, a viral infection or some other disease suspending the operation),
    • When was the last session of haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis solution exchange,
    • The coordinator will inform you:
    • that you must not eat and drink before surgery,
    • about the things you should take to the hospital (documents, toiletries, nighty, etc.)
    • That you should bring all the medicines you take every day to the hospital,
    • the fact that peritoneal dialysis patients have to take PD equipment to the hospital.
    • When you arrive, please go directly to the Latvian Transplantation Center, Kidney Transplant unit, there all the preparation for the surgery will take place.
  • What happens on arrival to the Transplant center?

    • The duty staff in hospital will assess your current health status, arrange the papers, forward you to do all the necessary tests, prepare for the surgery.
    • Do not forget to tell the doctor if you have any drug intolerance!
  • Whether the kidney transplantation will be definitely done this time?

    No. Doctors will be able to decide, whether the operation can be performed now, only on the completion of all the tests and thorough assessment of your health condition just right before the surgery.

  • Where the kidney transplantation operation will be performed?

    The surgery is performed in the operation room of the transplantation unit. That may continue 2 – 4 hours.

  • Where a kidney transplant will be placed?

    Kidney will be replanted in the right or left side of the lower abdomen.

  • What will happen to your own kidneys?

    • During the kidney transplantation operation your own kidneys are not affected, i.e. they remain in place.
      Postoperative drainage and catheters:
    • during the operation, a catheter facilitating the excretion of urine, will be placed in your bladder for 5 days;
    • there will be a drain placed in a wound, it will be removed in 1 or 2 days;
    • there will be a stent (tube) placed in between the renal pelvis of the graft and the urinary bladder, that will be removed in 2-3 weeks;
    • after the surgery, there will be a vein catheter inserted in your arm for fluid and medication administration. In some cases, such catheter has to be inserted in the neck vein.
  • Will the transplanted kidney start working instantly?

    Kidney may start excreting (urine) immediately, but its function may be delayed. Then another 3-4 weeks of dialysis will be required.