"BaltTransplant" Latvian unit
"BaltTransplant" Latvia unit maintains and manages the transplant "waiting list", provides detection of the organ donors, promotes transplantation in the society, creates a register of donors, recipients and transplanted patients. This unit works as a part of international "BaltTransplant" association.
Head of unit Janis Jusinskis, Dr.med. transplantologist.
Phone: +371 67069598
E-mail: janis.jusinskis@stradini.lv
Transplant coordinator dr. Eva Šteina, certified anaesthetist-reanimatologist;
Transplant coordinator Ligita Solovjeva;
Transplant coordinator Svetlana Bezručko;
Transplant coordinator Ella Šebeko.
Coordinators of the unit: +371 67069570