Permanent renal replacement therapy in order to prepare patient for the kidney transplantation began in Latvia in December of 1972. The department was led by prof. Josiph Jarmoilinsky (Josifs Jarmoļinskis) at that time. Under his leadership the first kidney transplantation in Latvia was prepared and performed on April 15, 1973 (kidney from deceased person) and the first transplantation from a living donor took place on April 17, 1973.
Latvian Transplantation Center was established in August 1974, by a special order of the Health Minister the emergency department of Paula Stradina Clinical University Hospital was merged with the nephrology department and haemodialysis laboratory. Hence, more efficient use of funds was achieved. Kidney transplantation in the Soviet Union developed along with chronic haemodialysis, and therefore the Center specialized in both directions. Alongside with the haemodialysis, kidney transplantation was entirely new treatment method of kidney failure patients'. So there was a need to establish and organize procurement of donor organs, to master an immunosuppressive therapy. Introduction of that in Latvia demanded a huge organizational work.
Transplantation in Latvia is certified as an independent medical specialty, and is staffed by qualified doctors. Organ transplant service includes VSIA „Paula Stradina Clinical University Hospital” specialized Kidney Transplant unit, Transplant Association "BaltTransplant" Latvia unit, Haemodialysis unit, laboratory and ambulatory cabinet. The Centre permanently co-operates with tissue typing laboratory of the National Blood Service of Latvia.
Over the past decade, the number of kidney transplants stabilizes around 30 operations per million population, the Centre is constantly being mentioned among the most active in Europe.
Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation has been carried out.
Because of the decreasing number of the deceased organ donors, the use of living volunteer organ transplants (related and unrelated) has been activated since 2008.
Professor Rafails Rosenthal (LAC) is heading the Center since 1976th.